Hi, I’m Anna.

I'm a coach and intuitive. I’m a scientist, I’m trauma-aware. A Deep listener. Meditation teacher. MS in environmental studies. Pursuing a master’s in clinical mental health counseling. Naturalist. Animist and witch, among other things...

Through my Grounded Spirituality Guidance Process, I help you find and trust your inner compass so that you can:

  • Trust yourself to make big, life-changing decisions (and small ones, too)

  • Find peace and validation in yourself rather than the external world

  • Lovingly and firmly set and maintain boundaries in your relationships

  • Build authentic connection with others that is sustainable and strong

  • Be your own calm in the storm AND ask for and receive connection so you're not alone

I will help you look squarely at your life, slow down, and find your next right step.

Jen says,

“Anna's guidance is expansive and always grounding. I always leave feeling like things have clicked into place and I know what I'm doing next. I'll be endlessly grateful for Anna's skill, experience, humor, wisdom.”

You need a guide who’s a bit witchy, but also brass-tacks.

I’m your person.

I blend intuitive, spiritual technologies with practical knowledge and context so that you get solid, grounded solutions and clear next steps. Work with me by the hour, for a few sessions, or for several months of grounded work together.

What you don’t get from me:

  • The slightest whiff of pretending things are easier than they are (I won't make light of what you're facing)

  • Toxic positivity, or anything else that keeps you from working with your emotions honestly

  • Distrust in vaccines and other well-documented science due to spiritual ideals

  • Exploitation of your suffering for money

  • Pushing of products, supplements, or other bullshit you don't need

What you do:

  • Tools to get centered and calm (nervous system regulation)

  • Practices to name, validate, and work with emotions and trauma

  • Spiritual guidance that cuts to the heart of the issue you're facing right now

  • Tools, methods, and scripts for setting boundaries and navigating relationships of all kinds

  • My anti-racist, intersectional feminist, anti-capitalist, sex positive lens

Alaina says,

“Working with Anna has always been so magical. From intuitive readings, meditation practices, guidance, and healing, she finds what I need and guides me in the best direction. She’s taught me how protect myself so I can be my true self.”

You deserve grounded support and guidance along your path.

Together, we’ll get you through this, one step at a time.

1-1 Sessions

We sit down together virtually or in-person in Seattle. You bring all of you plus your questions, I bring my compassion, intuition, and coaching skillset. Together, we’ll find your next step.